At the helm of Black Meteor is Lisa Gray, an award-winning Executive Producer and content creator who pushes boundaries and forges new frontiers. Lisa has extensive experience across both television and interactive media technologies and is highly regarded for her abilities to facilitate cross-industry collaborations and drive property diversification across new media. This expertise and unique international perspective has led to Lisa’s involvement on numerous industry panels, presentations, and in correspondent and mentoring roles globally.
She has also judged for both the International and International Digital Emmy Awards.

Working closely with Lisa is Natasha Jacobs, who uses her 25 years of experience as an actor and creative, coupled with her 15 years of corporate experience across administration, marketing and operations to inform her creative vision for clients and audience engagement. Natasha has been instrumental in the development and success of our Winning Your Pitch products and leads their facilitation.

We have the experience, skills and network to help you realise your idea and send it out into the world where it belongs.

Audience-driven storytelling has been a key feature to their successes and is a fundamental pillar in Black Meteor’s work.

Black Meteor works primarily between the UK, USA and Australia and is a global enterprise.


Black Meteor is connected to collaborators around the world, each experts in their own right.

No matter your project or location, we can assemble a team of the right field-leaders to give your storytelling the edge and polish it needs.